The Mazda KAI CONCEPT is a contribution from the house of Mazda to show the world how technology can help design a car that can stand as a breakthrough in the automobile industry. Mazda has combined the latest technologies with their own head-turning KODO design and gave this new vehicle the power of an internal combustion engine. This helped them epitomize their ideal of a vehicle that can set a new standard for the rest of the auto making companies. The elements that gave this concept a worldwide success, are worth mentioning. Read on if you are curious.

SKYACTIV Technology

The SKYACTIV-X gasoline engine is a groundbreaking next-generation model engineered by Mazda. To make the Kai concept work, it is mated with an equally promising SKYACTIV-VEHICLE ARCHITECTURE platform which too is borrowed from the next-generation. It is said to be the latest iteration that holds up human-centered development philosophy of Mazda which aims to achieve an ‘unprecedented refinement in driving performance’.

This next-generation SKYACTIV-X gasoline engine has come out to be a revolutionary powerhouse that exhibits its free-revving characteristics that is typical of a gasoline engine without compromising the expectation of fuel efficiency.

Spark Controlled Compression Ignition Technology

The Spark Controlled Compression Ignition (SPCCI) technology, from Mazda in combination with the SKYACTIV-X made the world’s first commercial gasoline engine that uses a compression ignition to materialize an unprecedented sharp engine response with an acceleration involving more torque. All this successfully proved to be higher in fuel efficiency than the regular engines throwing out much cleaner emissions than any earlier gasoline engine could do.

The experts at the Phoenix Mazda dealers say that the SPCCI technology couldn’t have achieved much without the newly developed next-generation platform named SKYACTIV-VEHICLE ARCHITECTURE which was again another innovative concept launched by Mazda that can increase the focus on their human-centered design philosophy inheriting the abilities of the human body. Teamed up, both these groundbreaking technologies could synergistically support the Jinba-ittai driving experience that Mazda wanted to achieve.

Skyactiv Vehicle Architecture

The Skyactiv Vehicle Architecture from Mazda was developed with the desire to intensify the focus on a human-centered design philosophy that can maximize the inherent ability of the human body to balance all its response in accordance to the different driving situations. It is able to offer more comfortable ride reducing the task load from the shoulders of the driver enabling all the car occupants to respond immediately to the environmental changes. With the human body characteristics, the Kai Concept makes the Mazda vehicle be able to easily balance itself with the response to different driving inputs. This new Skyactiv Vehicle architecture is made to provide a highly responsive driving with the ultimate driving feel which they call it Jinba-ittai.

This Skyactiv Vehicle technology is based on vibration energy and mechanisms through which humans perceive sound.

KODO Design

According to the Mazda Phoenix dealer, Mazda intended to throw a new hatchback challenge by the application of the newly evolved KODO design concept that establishes the Jinba-ittai connection between car and the driver just the way a horse listens to its master.

Hence the entire Kai Concept of Mazda makes their vehicles run on the basis of simplicity and look the way as the Japanese Aesthetics prescribe.