used trucks

If you decided to have a DIY move, and you would like to rent a certain vehicle, but you are not sure which would suit your needs the most, continue reading. This article will tell you the good and bad sides of renting a truck, and why this is the best choice for those who are moving to a whole new place.

Finding the right provider

As we all know, the most important thing is to find a good provider. Not all renting companies are good at what they do, and thus you need to do your research beforehand. You can check out Go With The Gecko if you are in the area. However, those who are far should probably search for a more local provider instead.

You could also decide to rent a van for a smaller move

A checklist could help

To make sure that you do not forget anything important, you should create a checklist. Here, you need to list all of the things you deem important and make sure to start checking them as soon as you finish. This should be created at least 2 weeks before the move, or when you actually start planning the move, to begin with.

Know when and how to pack!

Many first-time DIY movers think that it is enough to start packing 2 days before the move, but that is far from the truth. If you want to have a stress-free move day, you should start packing at least a week before your move. Start with all of the things that you do not often use, and make sure that you are packing by the room.

This also means that you should get enough boxes, to help you pack it neatly. Once a box is sealed, you should use a marker and label it. Do this for fragile items as well, and label the boxes properly, so once you are actually loading the truck, you know how to do it.

There are many good online articles that will help you learn more about packing and how to do all of this efficiently. If you are interested in a DIY move and you would like to do all of this alone, you should probably take your time and explore the given options, while doing your research properly.

Rent A Truck

Invite friends to make the day a lot less stressful!

One last check!

Forgetting something at your old place happens to everyone, especially during the move-day. So, once you are packed and ready to go, you should have one last sweep to see if you have gotten everything you’ve packed. You can professional moving truck hire from Go With The Gecko or contact your local providers instead.

Final word

There are many things that need to be considered if you are planning to have a DIY move. So, take your time, and do not rush it. Search for a good provider, check out their discounts, and learn more about the proper packing beforehand. You should also keep in mind that you need a special license to actually be allowed to drive the truck you rent.